Out with the old, in with the new

A few months ago I had to stop blogging on homeschool blogger due to storage issues. I originally started my blog to record our home schooling journey and then the blogging bug bit me. I blogged about anything and everything. There were few things off limits! I was bordering on addicted when I had my third baby, which combined with the storage issues, brought my blogging to a screeching halt. Well, my baby boy is now going on 5 months old and I'm finally ready to start again. I will say that I am still bothered by the fact that I have to start from scratch, but the urge to blog has overtaken me! There's only one thing standing in my way, and that is the fact that our new computer is broken. Yes, I said "new computer." Grrrrrrrr! As if I need another obstacle to overcome this computer illiterate state I am in, I now am blogging on a tiny iPod touch! I guess that is how desperate I am! I have no idea if it is possible to post pictures with this thing, and frankly I don't have the time or energy to figure that one out. I do feel much better now having at least taken a tiny step back to blogdom! And yes, I realize I just made up a word!

-The Burns Nest
Previously known at www.homeschoolblogger.com/burnsfamily


  1. I’m so sorry for all your inconveniences but I am so happy to know that I will now get to hear about all the Burns Family “goings on”!! XOXO


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