What is it Really Like?

So, not everyone is crazy enough to sell/donate the majority of their stuff and move their family of five into a 34 foot travel trailer. It sounds absurd, and maybe it is to some. That's why I decided to do a little blog about why we chose this lifestyle and what it's really like.

I don't remember why the idea was even considered actually. I know it was my idea (because it was a great one-ha!), but I don't remember what made me think if it. I think it was when we went camping last Spring Break and I wished we had a warm camper like our neighbors to sleep in instead of our cold tent. You may be wondering why we were cold. Like, why didn't I check the weather on my handy dandy weather app on my smarty pants phone? Well, I did. I just thought 50 degrees was warmer than it was. Or maybe, just maybe, my weather app was WRONG. The point is, you can never pack too many layers in spring time in Texas, and as thrilling as camping sounds, "glamping" is actually way more fun. So, maybe that's what got my wheels turnin' toward tiny living. (That and Tiny House Hunters on HGTV probably had a little something to do with it.)

As we were throwing this idea around, we were kicked in the gut when my brother in law suddenly went to heaven four days after being diagnosed with cancer. **When that happened we were catapulted into the decision because all we could think about was getting through this huge loss together with family. What that looked like for us was moving to my in-law's backyard and helping them in anyway we could. That has been our heart's desire and we feel like it is God's will as well.** Through  that tragedy I have learned that God truly never leaves us. He knows the end from the beginning and I feel that He was preparing us for what was to come. I realize that it's not normal to be happy living like we do. It's yet another example of God's grace toward us. That's the only explanation I can come up with. My husband resigning from his career as a teacher and a coach to do what we needed to do with family, and me jumping on board with zero reservations was an act of God.

It took a while to find the camper that was perfect for our family. We saw a lot of different models that first day we went to look, and by the time it was all over with I had a very specific wish list. (And a tangible excitement at the prospect of making this RV living work) I watched YouTube videos of families living in RVs fulltime. I read blogs, and I did my research...'cuz that's just what I do. What was on this wish list of mine? Here it is in no particular order:

•Double sink (so I could rinse all those dishes I'd be washing by hand.)
•TV that swiveled from living room to master bedroom (because how cool is that?!)
•Dinette with storage underneath seats
•Three beds in the bunk house (duh)
•Lots of storage (duh)
•Shower with NO shower door (I loathe cleaning those things.)
•Two exit doors

Did I get everything on my wish list? No. I got most of it though. The one we ended up with has everything except the two exit doors. We have plenty of storage and for the past almost 10 months it has been perfect for us. Maybe one day I'll post about how I organize it all. One thing I didn't know I needed but ended up with was an outdoor kitchen. I don't know what I would do without that extra refrigerator. Here's some pics and a few Q and A's for you to pass the time with.

Keys in hand

Home is where you park it.

What is my favorite thing about tiny living? 

I think my favorite thing would have to be how much less time I spend cleaning. Less time cleaning means more time for fun. This mess can literally be cleaned up and the whole house cleaned in about an hour!

Laundry, a necessary evil.

What is it like cooking in a teeny tiny speck of a kitchen? 

To say it's a challenge would be an understatement. It is just plain hard. There's only three burners on top of a tiny oven that burns the bottom of everything before it's cooked through. I love cooking and I love eating even more. I get bored eating the same things all the time so I like to experiment a lot. I have to try to appease three-five different palates everyday for three meals a day. Oh, and I'm a Trim Healthy Mama now so that adds it's own challenge. (I'll have to expound on that at a later date.) So, yeah, cooking is not the funnest thing to do these days, but we haven't starved yet so I guess I manage even with having to light each burner by hand. That part freaked me smooth out, but now I don't even flinch when I strike that match.

How do I shower (and shave) with a 6 gallon hot water heater?
One word...FAST! Especially in the winter since our water source is a garden hose that stretches across my in-law's backyard. As far as shaving goes, I put new meaning to "No Shave November." A more fitting phrase to describe it would be "No Shave, No Never." The trick is to get wet, turn the water off, lather up, rinse super fast, and get out! It's not pleasant. Dry shampoo is my best friend. I have learned the value of running water, the luxury of a long hot shower, and the bliss of a bubble bath.

What do the kids think about it?

This was actually taken on the first day of school as a joke.
Well, at first they were giddy over the new adventure. What child doesn't want to live in their grandparent's backyard? (Thankfully we do live near those grandparents with a big, sturdy house. On more than one occasion we have had to make a run for it in the middle of a storm..in the middle of the night. That's pretty adventurous!) The newness has worn off, but overall they have enjoyed it. I won't pretend like it's been gumdrops and roses every single day, but if you ask them I'm sure they wouldn't go back and change a thing. It has brought us closer as we do spend more time together, and we have to work together to solve the challenges that a tiny space creates. The personal growth makes it all worth it. After all, I'm trying to raise unselfish, capable adults here!

A peaceful moment working on school

One of my favorite moments captured

She counts as a kid, right?
Still considering building a tiny house after getting a taste of tiny living?
YES! I am in love with it. I never want to live in a big house again. I don't want to be spread out all over the place doing our separate things. A small house forces you to spend time together. While I have the privilege of being in my children's lives 100 percent of the time I want to soak it all in as much as possible. I do still value and crave my alone time because that's just how I'm wired. I have even implemented "silence timers" to avoid sensory overload when things get crazy. It's amazing how much good a 5 minute silence can do for my soul. My perspective has been challenged on so many levels since we made the move. I have become more thankful, more patient, more appreciative, and more creative. I am a work in progress, our family is a work in progress, but we are in this adventure together. 

Around the campfire,
one of my favorite places to be.


  1. This is so cool! I hope to travel full time in the next 10yrs or so. Found you through your comment on hip homeschooling mama

    1. I'm obviously a professional blogger. LOL I am only just seeing this comment over 3 years after it posted. I hope you are closer to your goal! We lived in the camper for 18 months and have since added another child and lived in two rent houses! Believe it or not, we are moving again next month! This time to what we expect to be where we finally put down roots. Thanks for the comment and hope you are doing well!

  2. This is so exciting. We're exploring this option for our family.

    1. As you can see in the above comment, I am only just now seeing these comments! No one ever comments on my blogs so I don't even know how to check them. I just happened to be reading and reminiscing when I noticed them. LOL What did you decide? We enjoyed our 18 months of it, but my inlaws sold their house and we decided to move into a rent house because I got pregnant with our fourth and felt we needed more space.


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