Sabbath Rest//Part 1

So, let me just ask. Does anyone else's brain just let you down sometimes? I mean, surely I'm not the only one. I've heard the term "mom brain" before so apparently it is a common problem. If you're like me, you try really hard to keep it all together. I'm a busy lady. We all are. I get that. We' I have tried to "unbusy" myself, and I'm all about keeping things simple.

That's what I say anyway.

The truth is I must have some sort of inner magnet that draws activity. I have learned to say no, but there is always this voice in my head that tries to figure out how I could swing (fill in the blank here) because it just sounds so awesome! I actually heard about something the other day on Heidi St. John's podcast (The Busy Mom--my fave!) that many people suffer from these days called FOMO, or "Fear Of Missing Out." I think that's what I got! My life can be going along so beautifully then I hear about something someone else is doing that suddenly I just have to do too. I had no clue it even existed two seconds ago but now I just have to have it, or do it, or experience it. That little voice in my head says, "I can't believe what I've been missing out on! Where has that been all my life?" I think it's driving me crazy, y'all. FOMO and information overload with a side of Facebook-Pinterestitis is robbing my joy and wearing me smooth out.

I'm about to do something drastic. I'm going off-grid. I'm deleting Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, my e-mail, everything. I'm just going to throw my computer away and buy a typewriter. Better yet I think I'm going to park my camper off in the woods somewhere and wash my clothes in the stream. I'll live off the land and the birds will be my entertainment. Then, I'll die. Because although I miraculously keep three children alive, every plant I try to grow dies a miserable death. Seriously, that's never going to happen.

I feel like something needs to change though because my brain has just been very disappointing lately. I have a calendar like everyone else that has important things written down. The other day, however, I missed a well-check appointment for Seth. It didn't even cross my mind until 9:54, when I saw it on that calendar that is supposed to keep me organized. His appointment was at 9:30, an hour away. Last Tuesday, I was supposed to pick Lorelai up from piano practice at 4:00, but I had 4:15 stuck in my head for some reason so I just sat there at the library reading book after book to Seth until it hit me that I was late. She's been taking lessons for three years now. I drop her off at 3:15 and pick her up at 4:00. That has never changed. Then, I barely missed catastrophe TWICE when I accidentally transferred funds from our checking to our savings account instead of vise versa then two days later forgot to make a deposit before a big bill was autodrafted from our account. Geez! I've been dropping balls all over the place lately. Granted, my son did break his arm two weeks ago (traumatizing for both mother and son), and I've been to the dentist four times in the last month. (Kids, listen to your parents. Flossing is muy importante.) I homeschool three grade levels. I am a Youth Pastor's wife who is heavily involved in our church event planning and hospitality team. Oh, that reminds me! The church website needs to be updated! //Deep breath//


"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." 
//Matthew 11:28-30//

That's what I need. That's what we need. That's what God created for us.

"Then He said to them, 'The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath." 
//Mark 2:27//

I know that I need it, but what does it even look like in today's world?


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