Everybody Loves Seth

It's true! Everywhere we go, everybody loves Seth! All he has to do is smile that little (almost) toothless smile. He hasn't met a person yet that can resist. Even after they take him in their arms and he slaps them with his happy greeting and leaves his mark of drool on their shoulder before moving onto the next unsuspecting fan. They still can't help but love him. I can't say that I blame them though. He stole my heart before anyone elses. I have known him longer than anyone else. And I would argue that I love him more than anyone else.

I know one person who never would believe me and that's his big sister. She races me down the hall to get him at the first whimper after a nap. If I ever turn around to find him missing the first place I look is in her room. That's where I usually find them sitting on a blanket with a few other stuffed animal guests enjoying a lovely tea party. He is the light of her little life and I will enjoy every moment while it lasts.

And even though he doesn't always act like it, his big brother doesn't think he's too shabby either.

Seriously, who could resist those sweet cheeks?


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