November Daybook


Outside my is wet and cool. The perfect autumn day if you ask me.

I am hearing...Lorelai explain to Toby how a penny she found that was made in 1972 is 8 years older than mommy. (And that's OLD!)     

I am thinking of...the upcoming holidays and...FOOTBALL PLAYOFFS! It is hard to believe this Friday marks the end of the regular season already.

I am thankful for...God's faithfulness. He is my patient teacher and closest friend.

In the kitchen...are a few dirty dishes and a sink of soapy water that I filled after lunch with the intention of washing them, but I got sidetracked. That happens all the time.

I am pajamas...and it's almost 3. 

I am creating...endurance to run more than 3 miles without feeling like I'm going to fall apart.

I am church tonight. We changed our clocks back an hour last weekend, and it's going to be so weird going to church after it's already dark.

I am wondering...if it will snow this winter. 

I am praying...for radical revival to hit this country, this town, and the church.

I am looking forward to...Youth Fall Retreat. Also, Thanksgiving for two reasons. The first is because I get to run in the first 5K that I actually feel prepared for. The second is obviously the food, and I am going to inhale it in large quantities if at all possible. 

I am huggle my kids and hubby more. It's a new word I made up. As you can probably tell it's a combination of hugging and snuggling. It's super fun.

 Around the's pretty clean. I worked my tail off yesterday doing laundry and cleaning the house getting ready for our end of season soccer party. I didn't get completely finished, but I did enough that I feel entitled to a day off...from house work anyway. Today I had my teacher hat on. All of my students are taking a quiet time right now, so I'm on break. 

I am pondering...what's for supper. I was thinking salmon patties, mac and cheese, and spinach, but seeing as I don't like to mess up the kitchen like that on church nights (or ever), we may just have cereal. 

Quote of the day..."Sin does not stop God's grace from flowing, but God's grace will stop sin." Joseph Prince (Aha!) 

         One of my favorite when a cold front blows in. It is so spurts. I'm really so very thankful for a warm house to retreat to though. I need some hot chocolate!

For the Rest of the week...Friday Night Lights and Fifth Quarter, a Saturday with nothing planned (first one in 8 weeks since soccer started), and church on Sunday. 

A picture to share... 

Me and my babies at Sissy's Saddle Shop Cafe for my Birthday.



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