Home School Summer

For home schoolers, or at least for our family, the words summer and vacation don't really go together. Before this school year ended I was already excitedly planning next year. I am a teacher who happens to be a mother. I just can't help myself! I absolutely LOVE searching the internet for new ideas, planning lessons, making schedules (that we never stick to), and researching curriculum. My summer goals are simple though. Lorelai has to read at least one book or one chapter per day, depending on the length of the book, and she has to continue practicing her math facts...occassionally. I also try to read to them at least once a day.

Last week we went to Discovery Camp. We go every year with our church youth group. This year Toby stayed with Mimi and Papa while Lorelai and Seth were our little troopers. Lorelai is old enough for what they call the PK's (Preacher's Kid's) club, so she went there during the services. She had two PK firsts this year. She raced the go carts and slid down "The Queen," which is the lesser of the two big water slides. My little Sethy boy didn't dig the loud music in the services, so we happened to catch Lorelai on the go carts on our way back to the dorm.

Speaking of go carts, three of our girls participated in a relay and won 1st place with the new DC record! How cool is that? Our group also performed a human video in Team Talent Quest and won 3rd place, so we got to bring home another trophy for the youth room! The theme was "The New You" and many of our teens came back from camp with a new attitude. One parent even called Nick and asked him what we did to her daughter! At first he was a little nervous until he realized she meant her daughter had changed for the better! We give God all the glory! I believe they will never be the same after this camp. They are marked for Jesus!

Little Seth did great at camp overall. Somehow he even managed to sleep through the teenage girls bursts of laughter in the dorm, which was impressive! My greatest surprise came when he didn't cry all the way to and from camp. He actually slept most of the way. Thank GOD! I prayed that he would do good. We were all worn out when we got home. Seth slept all the way home, even through our lunch stop, then two more hours in his carseat once we got him home! He was so good to let me get a much needed nap.


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