Holy Birthday, Batman!

Birthdays are fun. They are that one time of year where everyone should cater to your every whim just because you are you. Donuts for breakfast? Sure! School holiday? Of course, unless your special day happens to fall on Saturday, in which case you are out of luck come Monday. Special treatment because you are "the birthday boy?" Absolutely! But, you still have to clean your room before your guests arrive! Toby picked up on the "birthday card" real quick and took every opportunity to play it shamelessly.

The birthday shenanigans began the night before when I took Toby and Seth to shop for party stuff. We were at the check-out at Hobby Lobby and he, "the birthday boy," noticed the conveniently placed candy on the counter. "Mama, can I PLEASE have this (a big 'ol package of Starbursts)? It's almost my birthday?" Cue slight head tilt and puppy dog eyes complete with a big sugary smile. Of course, you know my answer. You can also guess the next question from the other cutie patootie in the basket. Yes! Candy for everyone! Next stop, Walmart for party food, and you guessed it. Ice cream on the way home. You're only 6 once, right? If you're wondering where Lorelai was, she was having a blast at the Yoemen game. The next day we got in the van, and when she saw all the candy wrappers and empty ice cream cups she said, "What did y'all do last night?!" I knew there was no covering our tracks then. We done been caught!

Aunt Kristie made his cake. We all loved it. Not only did it look great, but it tasted amazing too! Somebody told me that. I didn't eat a piece...or three. 

I totally meant to take pictures before the party of all the cute little decorations that I copied off of Pinterest, but I got a little carried away with all the friends and family that flooded our house. I almost got so caught up in the preparation that I forgot about the best part! It was so nice to have everyone over and feel only a little bit crowded. If only I could have made a few clones of myself so I could have actually taken advantage of them being there so I could visit more! Here's some pictures of the food table that I took mid-way through.

Yes! They do make green Twizzlers!

My favorite turkey roll-ups.

That's Joker Juice behind the Penguin Punch.

Excuse the sauce all over the label and check out the Catwoman Chips in the background.

Toby already asked me how long he'll be six. That kid loves birthdays almost as much as I love chocolate. Almost. After all my hard work, what do you think his favorite part of the party was? Yep. Presents.

I can't say that I blame him much. He got some pretty cool stuff! Thanks to everyone who got to come help us celebrate Toby. 


  1. Happy Birthday Toby! I wish we could have made it! It looks like it was absolutely great!! XOXO


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