It's a Good Day

It is an absolutely beautiful day. All week has actually been gorgeous, which is a very welcome change from last week's icy temps. My windows are open, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, a cool breeze is blowing, laundry is washing and drying, two kids are at their grandparents, one is at school, and the one I'm babysitting is napping. It's quiet and fresh around here.

I have so enjoyed today. I pretty much did what I wanted to even though I'm babysitting. Today makes me wonder why I ever thought having one kid was so hard! I'm not belittling parents of one precious little one because I remember how difficult it was. Going from a life where I did what I wanted, when I wanted, to a life of not being able to leave the house before gathering everything but the kitchen sink, was hard. It's just that life has become so, um, chaotic, that a day to make my own choices is absolutely liberating! (There was that one time that I had to come back to reality to change a horrid diaper, oh, and that other time where I had to make precious child get the playdough out of his mouth. But, I can almost do those things in my sleep these days.) I need days like this. Literally. It's not just a desire. It's a need. It can be hard for a mom who loves and adores her kiddos, but also loves and adores being alone. Even though I wasn't alone today it was a very welcome break. I never really noticed how much I like to be alone until I had kids and it was too late. That sounds like I regret having them, which couldn't be more false. I wouldn't trade a single demanding moment with them. They are the reason I am who I am today, and life is so fulfilling and rich with them in it. And my husband too. He's so so great. ( I love you, Nicholas!) But, I really like to be alone...occasionally.

I took an assessment test on the computer as part of the admission process into Western Governors University today. That's pretty huge. I haven't decided if I'm going to go through with it if I get accepted, but I'm going through the process out of curiosity. As of right now I have discovered that 34 of my old college credits will transfer (SURPRISE!) and that there is a good possibility that all or most of it will be paid for. That means that in just two years I could be a certified elementary teacher. Whoa. I'll keep you posted on that one.

Another thing that makes this day so great is that I am catching up on laundry with my new washer and dryer! They're so clean and pretty. Laundry has become one of my favorite chores now. I'll also have to keep you posted on how long that lasts! To top it off I even got to enjoy the fresh air and go for a quick run when Nick came home during his conference period, and I found a whopping $10 bill on the side of the road! Who says running doesn't pay? And the day isn't even over yet!

After a couple of months of little to no exercise of any kind it has felt amazing to get out and run the past two days. I am looking forward to my goal of beating my Turkey Trot time. I have a 5K scheduled for exactly 30 days from now, so I have some work to do. I'm not fretting a bit, though, because there will be chocolate fountains at the end of the race so that's really all that matters to me! I saw the greatest quote the other day that said, "Chocolate is made from cocoa, which comes out of a tree. That makes it a plant. Therefore, chocolate counts as salad. The end." I love it! Anyway, back to my goals. I want to beat my Turkey Trot time if not next month then at the next race. I'm working up to my first 10K in September. I'm working my way up to my bucket list marathon. I want to do that before I'm 50, so I have a while.

One more thing before I close the most random post in history. I found the neatest website today that will feed my Instagram obsession. It's called Printstagram and it is so so fun! In my book it rates right up there with picmonkey! I may actually develop some pictures soon! I have seriously struggled with that in the last 2 or 3 years. I have a ton of undeveloped pictures online, and now I don't even know where my camera is because I use my phone all the time. If I can just figure out how to get Instagram pictures into my blog again (I've done it once)I'll be happier than a bird with a french fry!


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