Life as we know it

I thought I would have more time to myself when Lorelai went to school, and I do but so far I sure haven't spent it blogging! I still have to do school with Toby, who by the way is doing amazing. I also started babysitting the sweetest little toddler who stole my heart when he named me DD. In other words, my hands are still quite full. It's been a good two months since she joined the leagues of public schoolers. I already feel like I've been doing this routine of rising early, making lunches, and signing folders for years. The transition couldn't have gone more smooth. I am positive it was the right choice at the right time, but I'm still unsure about her future education. I am fully persuaded that God will hold my hand through it all, though, so I'm not worried about a thing.

In the midst of this new routine, we've made it through another State Championship Football season (Go Yoe! Back to Back State Champs!) and a successful Freshman Basketball season. Nick's team won District Champs this year. He enjoys coaching football and tennis, but basketball is his wheelhouse. I got roped into coaching Lorelai's Little Dribblers team this year, and I absolutely cannot say the same thing for me. I can say that I am so glad our last game is Saturday! Next up is Toby's first T-ball season, which I am so excited about! This is the first year we've really been able to participate in sports and we are all loving it.

Spring is so close I can almost smell it. This is my favorite time of year. I think I say that every time we enter a new season. I guess that's because I can always find things I am so thankful for. Sometimes I have to look hard for them, but there is always something to be thankful for. It's my favorite because of the rising temperatures. It is so much more fun to run when I can feel my face. I just don't do cold weather, and I have missed running so much. I know it's ridiculous and no one cares, but there is something about it that makes me so happy. Maybe one day I will be able to be as dedicated to running in the winter as I am at other times of the year, or maybe I'll just buy a treadmill! It's also my favorite because this is the beginning of the season where we see daddy more. (Yay! I don't feel like a single mom anymore! Props to you if you are one because it ain't for sissies.) Tennis is much less demanding of his time and his schedule is more predictable. The kids get to go help at practice or play on the playground since he uses the city courts. We get to eat dinner together most nights. It's great!

I have a love/hate relationship with being married to a coach. I love it because life is never boring. Ever. Just when I get settled into one routine it switches completely. I also hate that about it. I love that if I don't like a particular season the next one is right around the corner because the busy-ness of it all makes time fly! And I hate that time is flying by. I'm doing my best to soak in every moment, except for the moment a couple of nights ago when Seth puked on my head. That moment could have not ever happened, but I'm thankful that it wasn't my face! (See there is always something to be thankful for!)

Life as we know it is grand. It's unpredictable. It's messy. It's full. It's temporary. It's life, and I'm going to go live it because in about twenty minutes my house is going to go from quiet and calm naptime to buzzing with activity when the after-school kids bust through the door. Oh, what's for snack??


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