Portable School

Last week, our electricity was turned off temporarily while repairs were made to the pole in our backyard. Actually, Nick's dad and two of his brothers replaced our old leaning pole and transferred everything over to the new pole. They have many talents, and apparently "Electrician" is one of them. It all started one morning when I simply called our power company to find out if they would fix our pole that had been leaning for a while, causing some wires to lean on a tree limb in our back yard. They automatically ordered an emergency shut-off of our electricity, in August, in Texas, due to "hazardous conditions" and told me it was my responsibility to get it fixed. I freaked out just a little and called Nick's mom because I didn't know what else to do. Nick certainly couldn't do anything about it because he was at work, but I had opened a can of worms. It was a bit of a mess but as it turns out, they didn't turn off our electricity that day. When Nick's dad got everything together to switch things over we planned for me to call a few days later and ask for a temporary disconnect so they could get the job done. I decided to take the kids over to my in-laws house for the day so we wouldn't have to endure the heat. We are so spoiled. So we loaded up our school boxes and did our lessons at Mimi and Papa's...and had a little fun to boot.


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