Haste Makes Waste

For Lorelai's History lesson today we tried an old fashioned recipe for Hasty Pudding. You know, like in the song Yankee Doodle? It was interesting to put it nicely. I honestly didn't think it was terrible, but I would have to be really hungry to eat more than a bite or two. I'm sure whoever came up with this recipe was just that, and grateful to have something to eat too. (Even if it was thick, pasty, and almost flavorless.) We took the tip of adding maple syrup, which to me, made it taste like I was eating pancake batter. It could have been a lot worse. There are so many reasons why I'm thankful that I wasn't a Pioneer, and this just adds to the list. (This is way off topic, but another reason is a little something called an epidural! Can I get an AMEN?!)

Hasty Pudding 
In a saucepan, bring just to a boil over medium heat: (Be careful. Milk will boil over very easily.)
    2 c. milk
Gradually add to the milk, stirring constantly with a wire wisk:
    1/2 c. cornmeal
Cook over low heat. Stir constantly until thick, about 3-5 minutes.
Add and stir until melted:
    2 T. butter
    1/2 t. salt
Remove from the stove, cover, and let sit 5 minutes. Serve hot for breakfast with butter, milk, and maple syrup.
Refrigerate any leftovers for another meal. Cut into slices and fry in butter or oil in a frying pan. Serve with a meat gravy or butter and milk. (Boy, were they creative and resourceful back then!)

Let me end with an overwhelming thanksgiving to Jesus for His many blessings on me! I am so spoiled...and so are my children!


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