I have a link in my sidebar to a Bible study method called SOAP. It's an acronym for

I have fallen in love with it. It's simple. It makes sense. We use soap on the outside to stay clean and this kind of soap keeps our spirits clean. Just like we need food for our bodies to stay alive, the Bible is our spiritual food to keep our spirits thriving and in tune with God. Before I read, I ask God to speak to me through His Word and help me understand what the Spirit is saying to me personally. If I do that there is always at least one verse that speaks to me in a way that I know is specifically for me. Little by little I am growing in God through this simple method. Here's an example from the other day.

SOAP: My Anchor Holds

S-"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." Hebrews 6:19

O-I love the Holy Spirit. He teaches me and guides me in all truth. Today I was listening to Pastor Jerry's message from a few Wednesdays ago. It was about how our faith is the anchor to the unseen. In other words, the hope spoken about in Hebrews 6:19 is a sure foundation to grasp and hold on to. It's not hope like the world hopes. That hope is not sure. It's like saying what we want to happen might happen. The hope God gives us is knowing it will happen if it's based on His promises to us. 

A-I am dropping my anchor and claiming the unseen miracles in my life. I will not be moved.

P-Thank you, precious Jesus, lover of my soul, for giving me the faith I need to walk in victory in every area. I look forward to You showing Yourself strong in my life. Amen

This particular post was such an encouragement to me. Others have been examples of God's discipline in my life. That's how I grow, and I welcome His hand on my life because I know He loves me, He is only good, and He wants the best for me. So, if you are struggling with how to study your Bible you might want to try this. And, if you're wondering where to start, I printed out a plan like this one to read the Bible in a year. There are Apps with all different kinds of plans as well. I have used You Version on my phone. It even has devotions on several different topics to choose from. We have no excuses. 


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