April Daybook

Outside my window is an absolutely gorgeous day and lots of green.

I am thinking about what we can do for Yoe Day and No Day when Nick is off work. I just found out that he has to take the Jr. High Tennis players to their District Meet on the Saturday after so it will be a short trip. I'm looking at a cabin on Lake Livingston. I have been wanting an outdoor vacation for a while now. I'm thinking about a drive-thru safari, a campfire, s'mores, paddle boats, geocaching, and Bahama Bucks.  

I am thankful for diapers. I don't know. It's the first thing that popped in my head. I have potty training on the brain these days. 

In the kitchen ... I'm out of chocolate. How sad!

I am wearing jeans, my Nikes, a dark purple shirt, and a black zipper hoodie...and a pony tail. It's time for a hair cut. 

I am creating a running group! I'm inviting everyone I can think of and hoping at least a handful of them show up to run with me Saturday morning.

I am going to take Toby for his Tball pictures this evening. I have to say that I am love, love, loving this sport!

I am wondering which curriculum to choose for Lorelai. This public school experience has been mostly positive, but it has also served to reinforce our desire and decision to home school. The teachers have been wonderful, her grades are great (A Honor Roll this six weeks!), and her work ethic has greatly improved. The influence and exposure she has encountered from some of the students hasn't surprised me really, but my opinion has somewhat changed regarding how much and for how long I want to shelter my children. As far as the education goes, I have questions about the quality of the curriculum but definitely not the teachers. Those people pour themselves into their classes. I have such admiration for them. State tests? I won't even go there. I do still believe that a quality education is attainable through public school. It is possible, but in the majority of cases I would still say it's not likely. So, the negative influence and the questionable curriculum has solidified my personal conviction to home school. I appreciate the public school system and the resources it provides, but  I am looking forward to the pleasure and challenge of teaching all of my children at home again.  

I am reading the occasional magazine article. My favorite being Thriving Family. It's a great magazine, and it's FREE!

I am hoping to get Bluebonnet pictures this year! It has been so rainy, and we've been so busy that it has been so hard to find a time when the weather is good enough and we're all together. 

I am looking forward to getting into even better running shape now that the weather will be warming up. I'm so happy that I maintained my 5K ability over the winter even with my hatred of running in the cold, but now I have my eye on a 10K in September. 

I am learning that sometimes you just can't coerce little boys into taking naps. 

Around the house: laundry is in every stage of completion from the dirty clothes basket to the washer to needing to be folded and/or put up. Floors are sticky and dishes need to be washed. What's new? 

A favorite quote for today: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Confucius 

One of my favorite things: Trying something new. I get so nervous and excitedly dread it. When it's done I'm so glad I was brave enough to try. 

A few plans for the week: Toby has a game tomorrow night. Friday we don't have any plans except grocery shopping. We're going to go to my parent's house for Barbeque and PIE on Saturday. I'm so excited to spend time with them and my brother, my beautiful niece, and rowdy nephew. It's been a while since we've gotten together. (We'll miss you, Lacey!) Then on Sunday we're going to have lunch with Nick's family and an egg hunt after church if it doesn't rain.  

A peek into my day: Imagine setting a timer to take a little boy to the potty every 20 minutes while carrying on with daily chores. Fun times! :)


  1. I too am thankful for diapers! I have washed all the little underwear, but have yet to psych myself up to actually really and truly start potty training. We're still "practicing". :o)


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