2012-2013 Curriculum

We're about to start our fifth year of home schooling, and I've decided to give it a name. You know, to make it more "official." Psalm 127:4 happens to be one of my most favorite Bible verses concerning children. It says, "Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth." I love that because arrows are sharp, capable, and aimed at a very specific target. No parent ever has the intention of raising their children for a mediocre life, but it is my prayer that our children accomplish the specific destiny God created them for. Every time I look at this logo I will be reminded of the goal I am working towards. My ultimate goal for my children is not a college education, a sports scholarship, or popularity. Those things aren't bad, but they aren't the most important thing to me. I do, however, research all the curriculum I buy with the hopes of providing a quality, individualized education for each of my children. I love the benefits of getting them involved in sports, and what parent doesn't want their children to have a lot of friends? I just don't want them to forfeit their morals with the hopes of attaining friendships.

I do realize that home schooling is not for everyone and I'm not against public school. I'm not opposed to the idea that one day my children may even attend public school. No matter where they get their education my goal will not change. That's just me though. It's not my intention of making anyone think my way is the best way. I make so many mistakes and am always questioning my parenting/teaching skills. One benefit of that is that it keeps me on my knees. I know that God is faithful and He has guided me so far and will continue to be my driving force as a mom.

Every year I like to list our curriculum on my blog. I don't know why I do it. Maybe one day when Seth is in the third grade I'll need to look back and see what books to order for him. Things do get pretty crazy around here, so that is a very real possibility actually. Maybe someone will get happen upon my blog and get some ideas for their home school. Who knows? So, here I go!

Christian Liberty Press- History and Science
Math U See Primer
All About Reading Level Pre-1
Christian Liberty Press Handwriting (In the Beginning)

3rd Grade:
My Father's World- History, Science, and Bible
Easy Grammar Grade 3
Math U See Gamma
Christian Liberty Press Handwriting (Writing with Prayer)
Writing Strands Level 3
All About Spelling Level 3
Draw Squad Art
Hal Leonard Piano

I am looking forward to a new year of learning, for Lorelai and Toby and no doubt myself as well.


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