
Boy, am I glad to sit and type for a moment! We just got back from taking our teenagers to camp for four days. Well, we actually got back on Sunday but yesterday was spent filling our empty cubbards and recovering on the couch. Today I am finally unpacked and tackling the mountain of laundry that is always a result of going to camp. While Lorelai was with us riding the waterslides countless times, Toby and Seth were playing with their cousin Josiah and going to "the biggest mall in the world" with their Mimi and Papa. (That's what Toby called the Katy Mills Mall where he got his new Phineas and Ferb flip flops.) Camp was a blast as usual, and it went by so fast I hardly had time to miss my little boys. It helped knowing they were in good hands. The best part of it all was that 15 of the 22 in our group responded to the altar call to either accept Jesus for the first time or rededicate their lives to Him. That made all the frustration of collecting forms and money well worth it. I guess that's why we've done it for the last 8 years and don't plan to stop anytime soon. It is so gratifying to know you are right where you are supposed to be, doing exactly what you were created for.


Even with all of that, life is getting even better. Nick got the job at Cameron High School! He will be one of the freshman football coaches, head freshman basketball coach, and head tennis coach. That's on top of teaching Jr. and Sr. English and honors English. Even though we're going to have to adjust to him not being home as much as we're used to, it is so great to see him be able to do something he's been dreaming about for so long. I know this is only the beginning of a new exciting chapter in our lives.

This summer is flying by! I don't know why I'm surprised. There's only 3 weeks until Vacation Bible School then we start our 2012-2013 school year the week after that. I'm leading the outside activities at VBS like I did last year. After spending all morning at VBS we're all pretty exhausted so I'm going to try to get the first 5 weeks of school planned before then. If I stick with the year round schooling, which I really enjoyed this past year, we'll have our first week off after that fifth week. That may change once I look at Nick's school calendar if I try to coordinate with his breaks, but as of right now I'm planning on starting at the beginning of August, taking December off, and schooling through mid-June (unless we finish early). That way we have a winter and a summer break lasting between 6-8 weeks with the occasional week break. Usually we take a week off every 5-7 weeks, which we all look forward to!

Well, I had better get to work. I bought some new cleaning supplies yesterday that I'm eager to use. Sometimes that's all it takes to get me motivated! Oh, and my lesson planner came in the mail last week but I haven't had a chance to break it in yet. There's another thing to look forward to! It's the little things...


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