I'm trying

I'm not old by any means, but hanging around teenagers and children all the time sure makes me feel old. While I'm not getting any younger, after having three babies I'm also not getting any skinnier. I am always complaining about being too tired to do anything, and I have a lot I have to do. Oh, and I'm grumpy about 80% of the time. For those reasons I've made the decision to get healthy. After reading my High School best friend's blog about her healthy lifestyle I figured I'd give it a try. I live in the middle of nowhere and I don't have a car so my options for exercise are pretty few. Fortunately I love, well I use to love, to run. I'm hoping to get back into that if my knees (and my fear of dogs, hogs, and other wild animals) will let me, and I'm praying to one day live close to a nice soft, enclosed track. About a month ago I started working out to my P90X videos again. I've tried and failed once about a year ago, but I'm hoping someone will keep me accountable this time! Ha! I took a week off because I was so crazy busy the week of VBS, and as hard as it was to pick it back up after that week, I did it.

I've decided not to weigh myself. I know approximately what I weigh. I've pondered measuring at least my waste to see if I loose any inches, but I've decided against that too. At first I didn't even want to change my diet, but now I'm thinking that would probably be a good idea. I plan on making a few simple changes like eating a healthy breakfast everyday or at least drinking a protein shake. I already don't buy sweets or sodas on a regular basis and I drink water at restaurants. I love love love veggies, but I could eat more of them. I know I don't drink enough water so I've been doing more of that lately. It has to be room temperature or just slightly cool though. Ice hurts my teeth. I'm going to start taking a good multivitamin when I get the money to re-join Melaleuca. I miss their products so much. What else? Oh, I'm on the look out for some healthy, affordable, snacks, prefferably ones my kids will eat too. They are so picky. It's really ridiculous. Small changes though, that's the key.

So, I'm trying. My first goal is to run another 5K. I haven't ran in one since Toby was a baby I think, and he's almost 5. Wow! Time flies. I'd like to do it by the end of this year, but no sooner than November so I found one in Temple on December 8th. Anyone want to join me? I'll admit that in the past, although I did place in my age group, I was horrible. My very first 5K I got dead last place. Walkers beat me. No lie. My times were never impressive, so I've set some goals. I feel like they are attainable, but still probably not very impressive to most people. When I accomplish them though I will be very happy with my self.
  • Run a 7 minute mile. (After more thought I have decided to increase this to an 8 minute mile:)
  • Run a 5K in under 35 minutes.
  • Run a 10K by this time next year.
Hey, I have to start somewhere! And now I've put it on my blog to haunt me forever if I don't do it. Lord, help me.


  1. You rock! I feel you 100%! I have the uncanny ability to stay extremely active, eat a healthy all natural diet, limit my sugar, fat and calorie intake, and stay QUITE FAT!! Its unnatural! I've been trying desperately to get back into running too! If I can properly schedule my next foot surgery and recovery, I want to run this 5K with you!! I'll email you soon!! XOXO

  2. Oh... but in the spirit of full disclosure, during birthday week, we eat cupcakes like the world is ending!! Ha! :)


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