Thoughts from my thankful heart

I heard a song yesterday for the first time in a long time. It's by a group called Caedmon's Call, and I used to listen to them all the time when I first became a Christian over fourteen years ago. The chorus says "I am thankful that I'm incapable of doing any good on my own." It's a really catchy tune and it reminds me that even my best is just filth compared to the goodness of God. (Isaiah 64:6) Through Christ I am redeemed and have become His righteousness, but on my own I am nothing. Anything good I do is only because of Christ in me and all the bad has been washed away by my belief in the blood He shed for me on the cross. What a relief!

God knows that apart from Him I can do nothing, which is why it is such great news that I don't have to rely on my imperfect self and why I don't have to feel guilty when I mess up and fall short of His glory. It's as if Christ Himself says, "Relax, Brandy, I know you struggle with losing your temper. I know your faith is shaky at times. I know you ignore my voice when I'm trying to lead you into abundant life. I know that sometimes you choose to disobey. As a matter of fact, I knew that before you were even born. THAT'S why I died for you. Just get back up and try again, but this time trust me instead."

"The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again." Proverbs 24:16 That doesn't mean we can only make seven mistakes in our walk with God. In the Bible, the number 7 actually represents being complete or perfect. So, I think God is trying to tell us to keep trying. That number will be different for everyone, but in the end we will be perfected in Him if we don't give up. I am THANKFUL for that!


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