Country Living

I grew up down a long dirt road in the country. There was plenty of room to run and play, which me and my brother did plenty of. We climbed trees, caught frogs, and swam in ponds that I wouldn't stick my foot in today. We explored. We pretended. We played in mud puddles. We slept with our windows open in the summer listening to frogs and coyotes outside our windows. We were the first ones on the school bus in the morning and the last ones off in the afternoon. I think that's why I'm not a morning person to this day.

Now we still live in a small town, but instead of coyotes outside my window I hear 18-wheelers barrelling down the highway...and trains practically in my front yard. Even though I would still consider us "country folks," my kids don't play outside near as much as I did growing up. That's partly because they are terrified of bugs and partly because I swear it's way hotter than it was when I was little. Since I had so many good memories of running wild in the country, I love when I can expose my kids to a taste of my childhood.

On Father's Day we went out and me and my Dad took Lorelai and Toby fishing in the same pond I used to swim in when I was little.( Honestly, that grosses me out just a little bit. I can still imagine the feeling of that slimy mud at the bottom and lilly pads wrapped around my toes! What was I thinking??) My Dad baited the hooks. Those poor worms. I don't think I was ever any good in that department. I'd much prefer artificial lures. I remember loving to look through my Papa's tackle box. I can still remember that smell. As soon as Lorelai's cork hit the water it immediately went under and she caught that first little fish. My Dad was busy helping Toby so I decided to try and get it off the hook, only it went in that poor fish's mouth and came out his eye socket. Eeeewww! She had to wait for her Papa for that one, but I'm happy to say that I did successfully remove several hooks that day. That was until she pulled one out that had the hook so far down it's throat that I had no idea how to even go about it. We had only been there 10 minutes at the most, but at that point Toby was done. It's a good thing, because the hook actually broke off in that poor little fishy's throat so Lorelai's pole was out of business. She happily took Toby's pole and Toby went to sit in the Suburban. It's not that he didn't like fishing, but he was disappointed because he was looking forward to keeping and eating the fish he caught. These fish were tiny. I knew that going in and felt bad for not explaining it to him sooner. Overall I think we all had fun though.

We also got to see another Daddy that day, my brother, James! He has a beautiful wife, Lacey, and two gorgeous children, Hali and Tucker. Tucker is only 5 months old and Lorelai loves to hold him, or any baby she can get her hands on actually! She's a little mama and such a big helper to me.

After we left my parent's house we went next door to James and Lacey's house to feed their baby Pygmy Goat, Betty. That little thing is so cute! If I had a place to keep it I would get one in a heartbeat!

On the way home the kids said that was a very good day and I agree!


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