Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... are some hanging baskets on my porch in need of new liners, fresh potting soil, and some pretty flowers. I have found that begonias are very resistant to my black thumb, which is good.

I am thinking... that it's way too hot in Texas.

I am thankful... for a chance to go to the store myself. I think I'll swing through McCafe on the way home. An iced caramel mocha is calling my name.

In the kitchen... there is nothing I'm interested in eating, hence the trip to the store.

I am wearing... jeans and a t-shirt.

I am creating... a menu for a friend in need of a little inspiration in the kitchen.

I am going... to church later.

I am wondering... if aloe vera juice is really good for you. I'm trying to get Nick off of Prilosec for acid reflux and there are a lot of websites that claim it will help him. I've also bought probiotics and papaya enzymes with chlorophyl. Now the question is how to wean him off of it slowly so the relfux doesn't come back worse than it was before.

I am reading... The Trumpet of the Swan to the kids

I am looking forward to... being done with youth camp paperwork. Actually, I'm looking forward to being home from camp. I love going, but it's not easy going with a baby...and did I mention it is HOT in Texas?

I am hearing... the kids muffled voices coming from outside where they are on a treasure hunt.

I am praying... desperately for Nick to get a teaching/coaching job this fall. (Preferrably at Gause or Mumford, but he's not picky.)

One of my favorite things: How Toby calls spaghetti, "stabetty."

A few plans for the rest of the week... Dinner with the youth leaders tomorrow night at our house, Car wash Saturday morning at the church to raise money for camp, swim party after the car wash, and lunch at Nick's parent's house on Father's Day followed by supper at my parent's.

A picture for thought I am sharing...
Is it wrong that I thoroughly enjoyed wacking the teenagers
 with pool noodles in the name of temptation?

I stepped away from the fun to take a picture at the end of a game we played at Elevate last Saturday. The candy is all gone here, but we had dumped a bunch of candy in the middle of this square (marked off with hymnals) and told them that they could get as much as they wanted BUT they had to get one piece per trip inside the square. All the while we are chasing them around, wacking them with pool noodles. (SO fun!) The point was to illustrate how silly it is that we sometimes keep going back to the same temptation, even though we know we're going to get hurt. 

*No teenagers were harmed in any way during the previously mentioned game. ;)


  1. My dad says Aloe Vera juice helps him.

    1. I don't know if it helped Nick. We haven't touched the bottle since that first week! I tried it with grapefruit juice and couldn't taste it at all. I don't recommend drinking it in tea though! LOL


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