Fragile: Handle With Prayer

My third born, the baby of the family, my most favorite surprise, Mr. Sensitive. Seth is all those things and more. He brings so much sunshine into our lives that it's so hard to imagine that there was a day when we thought we didn't want anymore kids. I am so thankful that he's here. I feel like I as a person get better with eack kid because they teach me so much. They bring out the best, and the absolute worst, in me. I believe there is nothing like a child to expose your weaknesses and increase your strengths. And isn't it so funny how each child is so different? Lorelai is strong-willed and determined. Toby is fun-loving and carefree. Seth is tender-hearted and cautious. But they are all fragile. They all crave love and affection. I have to handle all of their little spirits with lots of care (and prayer) so, with God's help, when they are too big to fit in boxes like this one they will be all that their heavenly Father created them to be.


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