Simple Woman's Daybook

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Outside my window... I see a yard that needs to be mowed already. That is actually refreshing after last summer's drought when I could have counted on one hand how many times Nick had to mow.
I am thinking... about trying NOT to think about the throw up I just had to clean out of a box of legos. Yep, I just said that. You're welcome. 

I am thankful... for the peace of God that passes all understanding. (Phillipians 4:7)

In the kitchen... is a huge mess. I need to wash dishes. There is a bowl of potatoes cooling so I can make potato salad. There are crumbs all over the table. There are containers full of ruined leftovers waiting to be emptied and washed. And I'm sitting here fooling around on the computer waiting for my 5 hour energy drink to kick in. Then I'm going to attack it...and the laundry...and maybe even clean the bathrooms. Oh, and the dog needs a bath before I cook supper and clean the kitchen again. See why I need the energy drink?

I am wearing... green pajama pants and a brown t-shirt.

I am creating... a list of Pinterest projects that I want to complete this summer, and books I want to read before school starts back.

I am going... to practice music with the youth praise team tonight.

I am wondering... what Lorelai is doing at Mimi's house. My guess is either having a tea party or giving Mimi a make-over.

I am reading... actually, I read a very encouraging blog post about the blessing of strong-willed children.

I am looking forward to... starting on those Pinterest projects I want to do this summer. I think first I'll try making a sewing maching cover. Maybe this one.

I am hearing... my boys playing nicely in their room. They've been in there off and on for about the last hour with only the occasional high pitched scream from the little one. Oh, there goes one now. Followed by a very sweet sounding, "Sef, quit poooollowing me...oh por heaben sakes." Toby's being such a patient big brother today.

Around the house... Toby is carrying around a box of rocks he just collected from outside, trying to convince me that he'll keep them all in that box and his baby brother won't accidentally find and possibly eat one.

God is speaking... to me about how to be a better, more patient, parent and wife. That's really an on-going conversation we have, and I am so thankful for His patience with me.

One of my favorite things... is when Seth uses the sign for "more" when he wants another bite/drink
of something. His little hands are so cute!

A few plans for the rest of the week... buying groceries tomorrow and taking the kids to the library. Youth service on Saturday night. Fish fry fundraiser on Sunday after church.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
Anyone care to take a guess as to what these southern delicacies are?


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