Simple Woman's Daybook

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Outside my window... are two stray kittens. The latest drop-offs and two reasons to look forward to one day not living here. (Two more being scorpions on the ceiling and mice thinking they own the place!)

I am thinking... that I should have asked Nick to get some propane for the grill while he was in town earlier so we could grill some burgers tonight.

I am thankful... for the chance Nick had to interview at Cameron High School for a teaching/coaching position this morning. If he gets it, he'll be teaching three High School English courses, coaching freshman football, assistant coaching boys basketball, and he'll be the head coach for the tennis team. The Athletic Director also asked him if he'd be willing to lead FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) since he's a Youth Pastor and he said yes. He is so excited about it, but overwhelmed at the same time since this will be his first year teaching. I'm trying not to jump the gun here, but I'm excited too, but a little nervous at the same time. During football season he will be working seven days a week. I'm used to him being home everyday by 4 at the latest and having every week-end off! This will be an adjustment for us all whether he gets the job at this school or a different one. What I'm excited about is the fact that he will be loving every minute of it, except the part where he has to be away from us so much. I couldn't be more proud of his hard work and dedication to get to this day. We graduated 13 years ago, got married two years later, went to college and worked until Lorelai was born, and moved back home to be Youth Pastors. Toby came along three years later and Nick decided to go back to school, then he graduated one month before Seth was born. After that he went through the process of getting teacher certified online, took his English certification test, and now he's finally here on the cusp of his new career. I know he is going to be an amazing teacher and coach and will impact so many lives in the process.

In the kitchen... there are a couple of empty McDonalds bags from our very nutritious lunch. HA!

I am creating... a bedtime routine for Seth that we will stick to this time! Somehow he has managed to sneak his way into the living room for some quality time with Mom and Dad after Lorelai and Toby go to bed every night. I don't know how that got started, and I'm not looking forward to making him go to bed with the others now that he's spoiled to staying up.

I am going... to clean my house when I'm done with this. It really needs it.

I am wondering... why we can't check out more than 5 books at the College Station library. I mean, I know why (because we live out of town), but I think it's unfair. (Yet another reason to want to move closer to the city. I'm having a hard time staying positive lately!)

*UPDATE- We went to the library today (June 29) and I asked again about the possibility of us checking out more books. It turns out we could buy a yearly membership for $24 and enjoy the same benefits as someone who lives within the county. Good news! 

I am reading... Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller and The Narrow Path by Gail Sattler. Actually, I just finished The Narrow Path. It was a Mennonite romance novel, not Amish this time! Nick teases me about my reading choices all the time.

I am looking forward to... going to Discovery Camp! I was dreading it, but now Nick's mom and dad are keeping Toby and Seth for us so I'll be able to actually participate instead of watch from the sidelines. And, after much pleading with teenagers and their parents, I finally got most of our paperwork mailed in this morning. Yea!

I am hearing... a grumpy Seth who apparently didn't get his nap out and doesn't seem to want the kind of juice his daddy just gave him. Here's to Lorelai though, who just persuaded him to try it and now he's drinking happily. Thank heaven for big sisters!

Around the house... I'm slowly but surely getting ready for the 2012-2013 school year. I hope I find some motivation soon because after this week I only have 4 weeks until Vacation Bible School and we start school the week after that!

God is me about trusting Him. On Saturday we took an impromptu drive over to Cameron to check out the school and some apartments we saw online. The apartments are right down the road from a track, which I got really excited about! I miss running so much, but the paved road by our house is hard on my knees and rampant with dogs, hogs, skunks, coyotes, etc... Also, if we lived there we'd be right down the road from the High School so I could easily drive Nick to and from work and have a car again! My imagination was running wild with all the possibilities, but then I thought about the process of moving and I got overwhelmed with the "how" of it all. After lying in bed trying to figure it all out and falling asleep late that night my first thought Sunday morning was that if it did happen I would know God did it. That gave me so much peace. THEN I went to church and we sang 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" and Pastor Jerry talked about how "God doesn't kick-in until we kick-out." When we realize it's not our works that we have to rely on but only God then God can really move in our lives. No matter what happens I know God is in control, and that's exactly how I want it.  

One of my favorite things... a six-inch Veggie Delight on Italian Herb and Cheese at Subway with lettuce, tomato, onion, bell peppers, LOTS of black olives, and a little ranch dressing.

Quote of the day... (This one is for my soon-to-be English teacher husband! LOL)

A few plans for the rest of the week... take Seth to get his shots and get Lorelai's shot records for camp, and take Twyla to be groomed.  

Here is a picture thought I want to share...

I think it's time to get your dog groomed when you can't tell which end is up!
I think he's squeezing her neck. I hope...


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